Music Lessons | Honor Creation | United States
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Be Inspired, Grow in Skill, Play your Part

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Springfield, TN

Be Inspired

Begin your journey of a lifelong love for music. Loving music is the heartbeat of a musician.

Grow in Skill

Increase your technical proficiency with a personalized education. Be taught the way you learn best.

Play your part

Share your unique gifts to better the world around you. There is a part for each of us to play.

About Us

Brief History

Honor Creation School of Music is located in Historic Springfield, Tennessee, and resides on the second floor of Shalom Movement Dance Studio. Our mission is to train musicians of all ages, backgrounds, and levels with the skills they need to be excellent in their unique craft.


The idea of HCSM was planted in the hearts of the founders (husband and wife, Dominic & Gianne Cosentino) out of their desire to help empower passionate, excellent, confident, and truly creative musicians. This heart is now carried on through our new Owners/Operators Tony & Erin Barnes (husband & wife), and through our top-flight instructors. What was once a small seed has now come into fruition, as God opened doors and their love for the Springfield community grew.


Come visit us – we would be happy to show you around! All are welcome.

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Logo explanation

The logo is a picture of a crown with a tent embedded within it. Jesus, the King, chose to come and make His dwelling place among us.


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 1:14


In the original language, the word for 'made His dwelling' is literally translated 'tabernacled'. In the days of Moses, the Israelites would pitch a tent (or tabernacle) everywhere they went so the Lord had a place to rest. Now, the Lord does not dwell in "temples built by human hands" (Acts 7), but rather, He has chosen to dwell among us and within us. 


Since we now have the creator of the universe tabernacled within us, we are now filled with His creativity! Honor Creation seeks to cultivate each person's God given creativity.

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What people are saying about
Honor Creation School of Music

Our Ethos


1. A good character, or a reputation for honesty and fair dealing.

2. High respect; great esteem.


1. To regard or treat (someone/something) with admiration and respect.


1. The act or process of creating

2. An original product of human invention or artistic imagination

3. The world and all things in it.

Private Instruction 

We recommend one on one for best results. Our beginner age barrier for lessons is 5 years old.


$30 | 30 minute lesson

$60 | 60 minute lesson



At Honor Creation we seek to

honor each human-being as the unique creation they are, cultivate the distinct creativity within them, and create a culture of honor that extends beyond our studio and into the community.


At the heart of Honor Creation is passion for excellence, creativity, and community. We value a culture that challenges and lifts up others to become all they were created to be. We seek to be more than just a music lesson studio – we seek to be a place that equips students to thrive in all aspects of life and impact the world around them.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 98:4,7

708 S Main Street Springfield, TN

© 2022 by Honor Creation, LLC

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